Parent Teacher Meet-Up

UPDATE! The linkup returns on JANUARY 9TH!

We are inviting you to link up any homeschool year-in-review posts, home education goals for the new year, or anything else along those lines! Can't wait to see what you share!

Join us for this homeschool blogger linkup each Saturday to share what has been happening in your homeschool and connect with others who know what it is like to be both parent and teacher.

One of the best resources for home educators is other home educators! Sharing ideas and encouraging each other is a priceless benefit of having a strong network of homeschool friends. Not only that, but taking the time to record some of the highlights of each week gives us a way to look back at how far we have come when we hit rough spots in our journeys! So... Nicolette, Maggie and I decided to start a little meet-up each week to keep each other accountable and encouraged! And we want YOU to join us! Here is how it works:
  • Each Saturday morning, each of the 3 hosts will post their own week-in-review style post, and inviting other home educators to link up with us. 
  • We will be answering a standard set of questions, but using the questions is not required to link up! Any week in review post about homeschooling or reflection about home education is welcome! 
  • Link up ONE post fitting with the category above. Please do not link up posts that are devoted only to providing lesson plans, activities, printables or reviews. However, we strongly encourage you to link to thing like this within your week-in-review post so we can find what you have to offer in that way!
  • Use the hashtag #ParentTeacherMeetUp when you share on IG (and twitter, G+, wherever!) so we can continue the conversation throughout the week. 
  • Make sure to visit other posts in the link-up and share away! 
  • We will be pinning posts each week to the link-up board to help promote your posts!
  • Be respectful and keep any linked content family-friendly. (This is kind of a given, but in the online world sometimes you just never know! Questionable content may be removed as hosts see fit.)
  • If you would like to guest host, please email mattandbranson(at)gmail(dot)com for more information!
  • It would be lovely if you would follow all 3 of us in whatever social media avenues you frequent:



The Questions:
  1. What was your best teaching moment this week? 
  2. What was your biggest struggle?
  3. Were there any milestones met or special accomplishments this week? 
  4. What resources did you use this week that were awesome? 
  5. Did you take any field trips? What was your child's favorite part? Did you add anything to the trip (assignments, worksheets, etc.?)
  6. Share any tips and tricks you have learned as a home educator!
  7. What does your daily schedule look like? Do you attend any homeschool groups or activities?
  8. Best kid quote of the week: Because you know they say some funny stuff! 
  9. Kid's choice: Share their favorite parts of the week from their perspective.
  10. What are your hopes for the week ahead?
Remember, answer some or all... make up your own... or just share however YOU want to record this journey for you and your family. No matter how you choose to share, we can all learn something from each other... even if it just to remember that we are not in this alone! 
If you have a homeschool blog and plan to join us, feel free to link up your homepage below! (Blogs without obvious homeschool content may be removed at the discretion of the hosts.) 

( Linkup is open )

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